Registration Help
To make a purchase from our website you need to register. Fields with * mark are mandatory! Please follow these steps to create an account:
1. Enter your personal information.
You are asked to enter your Email address, User Name and Password. You also have to confirm the password you chose. The chosen User Name and Password must not have spaces and may contain:
- Lower case characters {a-z};
- Upper case characters {A-Z};
- Numbers {0-9};
Your password must be more than 6 characters. We don't allow certain characters to be used in usernames (e.g. hyphens, brackets, square brackets etc). This is done for security reasons.
2. Bill to Information.
You must enter your First and Last names, at least one Phone Number and Physical Address including City, Zip Code
3. Enter the security code.
Please enter the code exactly the way it is shown on the picture.
By clicking on Send Registration you agree to the terms and conditions of service.
If you have any other questions about the registration procedure or having problems registering, contact our web admin at